Alto Comissariado para as Migrações

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We invite you to browse the website for the High Commissioner for Migration, Alto Comissariado para as Migrações (ACM).
Broken down into five large areas (living, studying, working, entrepreneurship and Portuguese), it aims to respond simply and directly to all the questions of migrants.
Check it out!

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Alto Comissariado para as Migrações

A captivating homepage where you can feel right at home:

Just select where you're from and what are you planning to do in Portugal and all important info for your specific situation will be available.

Looking for a particular theme or frequent question?
Enter the quick access areas.

Wich initiatives there are for migrants in Portugal?
Browse the news and calendar sections.

How other migrants are doing in Portugal?
Read some of their stories

Detail pages | Mobile platforms

Detail pages | Mobile platforms

Content is key.
Find what you need to know in one place, across multiple devices

Your main questions answered plain and simple

Drill down levels if you need more information

Contextual help tips, documentation and contacts

Detail pages | Mobile platforms

Detail pages | Mobile platforms