Finertec is an Economical Group with a significant importance in several productive sectors, especially the energy sector. Its area of action is extended far beyond Portugal, focusing especially the PALOP's.

With the slogan "We face energy as a beginning. Not an end.", Finertec assumes itself as an oriented group for the sustainable development of the communities where it acts, namely through the use of renewable energy and eco-friendly.
To conciliate the institutional side (always inert to a big group) with an environmental and social side, Oceanlab used a strong and sober graphical language, focusing in simple and pleasant lines, always scored by white and blue backgrounds. The website structure and the disposal of the contents were thought to the detail, with the aim of simplifying navigation and facilitate access as well as information search.
In technical terms, Oceanlab used a programming tool mix (code and flash), and also developed an application to simplify the content management in the information/news area.